• How I made the jar dekoration
You need a jar or a bottle, nailpolish (yes I like drawing with nailpolish) and your drawing template. I printed my fleur-de-lis and cut it out.

 Now draw your icon and have fun

Take an old book and a ring (like mine or oval) and hotglue your pagecones on your ring.

    Just take a little thing you always love or an old brooch (scarf pin) and a unmanufactured ring (which you can buy) and glue it together. Thats it =)

    Nailpolish is for painting the cars if you want to ^^

    Glue the cotton balls !!
    Take a 
    catalog or a strong paper 
    to form the
    ring and fix 
    it with thin wire. Then take
    a coulorful paper and glue 
    it all over. At 
    least hotglue a   
    toy in the middle and your done .


    Cut your Letters out!

    Put the little stones in the shapes ( for stability)
     before you are done.


    After your are done get your colours !